Use Case
Use of the cloud to block a large number of requests linked to authentication requests sent in error.
The Groupement d’Intérêt Public de Modernisation des Déclarations Sociales (GIP MDS) was set up in 2000 to pool the resources and expertise of social protection bodies in terms of dematerialisation, and above all to make it easier for companies and their representatives to access dematerialised declarations. GIP MDS is:
- A common objective, simplification at the service of Social Protection
- Proven expertise on large-scale projects: Déclaration Sociale Nominative, Prélèvement à la source…
-, a single portal for the entire social sphere
- 70 procedures replaced by a single flow, the DSN
Access to the applications published by GIP-MDS on its portal requires user authentication. This authentication service is therefore vital and must be protected.
In this Use Case, find out more about the challenges, the solution chosen and the benefits provided by UBIKA.